Monday 23 August 2021

The Story Of The Dragon


W.A.L.T  use a simile

 how big do you think the dragon is?
in room 2 we are learning  about using a simile. 
and this is a story about the insane siblings.  
 hundreds of years ago there were too siblings that had there own pet dragon named Timmy. There dragon was a fantastic flyer in those days there were no cars horses so our pet dragon was our only way of getting us around.our dragon Timmy let me and my brother jump on his back and Timmy would take us for a fly right up by the sunset it was so beautiful he was our best friend because Timmy blows fire out of his mouth he cooked all our meats for us and if we needed water 
Timmy would take us down to the bottom of the mountain and would full a massive bucket of water for our mum so we can drink and clean our self.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Angus what a helpful pet your dragon is. That's a great way to cook the meat, hopefully he doesn't blow too hard and burn it. Next time can you proof read you story and put the fullstops and capital letters in. Well done.


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