Tuesday 3 August 2021

The boy with wings

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our experiences.

The Boy with wings is about a boy called Jack that had dead apple trees and loved following his dreams.  He will do anything to complete them. When he saw a bird he followed it to find water he went thru a

 tsunami and sand storm and thick fog on the top of a  mountain. Then he went  to a village with a pie that he could not afford then he got sent to jail and found a rat it came his pet. He heard that there was a key on the road and there was water under the rock at his house. He got the rat to get the key and saved him. Then he got back home and flipped over a rock. Heaps of water came out and all the trees grew apples again. ave you ever read the book?AA4F47A5-053B-4F3C-9754-EC810DC6E2FA_1_105_c.jpeg

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