Friday 3 April 2020

Baking with my family.

Today my family did baking we made banana muffins and rice bubble cake it was my first time so I didn't really know what I was doing so my mum helped us kids and I even got to take a photo of what was left because I taste so sweet being in my mouth.
Have you ever done baking?
If you have what did you make?


  1. Hi Angus. You are a bit of a baker alright! First time and I bet it's all gone by now. I love that you included a picture of your creations. How many muffins were there at the start? What would you like to make next?

    1. Hi Mr Gray thank you for commenting on my blog there was ten muffins at the start,next time I want to bake a cake because they have many ingredients for all of my family to have a turn.

  2. were they yum

  3. Hi Lily thank you for commenting on my blog,And yes they where Delicious!


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